Article VI, Section 3 of the Texas Constitution

As amended November 2, 1999:

All qualified voters of the State, as herein described, who reside within the limits of any city or corporate town, shall have the right to vote for Mayor and all other elective officers.

Editor Comments

As adopted in 1876, this section read: "All qualified electors of the State, as herein described, who shall have resided for six months immediately preceding an election within the limits of any city or corporate town, shall have the right to vote for mayor and all other elective officers; but in all elections to determine expenditure of money or assumption of debt, only those shall be qualified to vote who pay taxes on property in said city or incorporated town; provided, that no poll tax for the payment of debts thus incurred, shall be levied upon the persons debarred from voting in relation thereto."

The section has been amended twice. The 1997 amendment removed the six-month residency requirement and the expenditure and bond election provision. The rationale was that both violated the federal constitution.

Attorney Steve Smith

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