Article IV, Section 10 of the Texas Constitution–discussion page

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Texas Legal Guide ( is currently under construction.

This page is available for comment and discussion regarding the page Article IV, Section 10 of the Texas Constitution.


State v Southern Pacific Railroad 24 Tex. 116

add ?

m; enforcement of the lawi; is i111µ11sl'lible with a powcrlc:>s cxt<·uti,·c. 'fhc l'onstit11tion enjoins upon the Go\'crnor that "he <'nu~c the laws to b<' faithfull.'· exccuktl," hut witltholds fro111 him the power tu comply with the mandate. The <·xc1·u1i,·c agenti; of the j!on•rmncnt an• imlcpcnclcnt of him ; he cannot <'om1numl one of them, tlircl'lly or indirectly. If they fail to tli:ichargc their dut~·, and the lnws remain uncxct'Utc1l, the Constitutional rc9uircmcnt upon the Cio\'crnor is a tlc:id letter. This should not be :;n.
