Texas Constitution talk:Article III, Section 56: Difference between revisions

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Water Closets veto: https://lrl.texas.gov/scanned/vetoes/12/CS1/HB167.pdf
Water Closets veto: https://lrl.texas.gov/scanned/vetoes/12/CS1/HB167.pdf
Felton v. Johnson, 247 S.W. 837, 840 (Tex. 1923) ("In view of the history of this bill, we think we would do violence to the plain intent of the Legislature if we recommended a construction of this statute which would include professional services of a real estate broker within its terms. Before we could make such a recommendation, we think it would be necessary for us to insert in this statute the very provisions which the Legislature not only refused to include therein but expressly eliminated therefrom. The courts should not do that. To do so would clearly invade the prerogatives of the legislative branch of the state government.")


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